Comment history with iDecay
Displaying 1 - 20 of 25 comments
Lol thanks. :D I'm not used to finals so I'm kind of like OMG AHHH! Aww, I got hella sick during season, too. Wearing a dress which should be a shirt in 50 degree weather = nooooo
Good luck on your finals ^_^ I play at least once a week but lately its been really windy which I hate cause I get sick often from it =(
Not really, haha. I get to play 5 days a week at school, but most of the time is dedicated to running and running drills. I don't get to really play until finals are over, ewww. How about you?
Gosh no time to watch drama but that's a good thing! haha I still watch once in a while after studying and working on homework. I miss tennis -_- Well anyways enjoy your weekend Tina! XD
Ahh it's been crazy. I was a sub for plenty of games and won 'em. It's hard to do all of my homework since I get home so late and have practice 6 days a week. >.< I wish I had time to watch dramas! How about you? :D
5th week of school = hell =x pardon my language haha but hows it going Tina?
Naw, I don't care as long as I'm not wearing weight-high skirts and long sleeves. It's those damn girls who think they're so chic. >=[
One whole hour? wow must have been something alright haha you ppl take so long =P
Yeah but you know the saying practice makes perfect, those skills you perfected will come in handy someday you shall see hehe