Comment history with Nugget
Displaying 1 - 15 of 15 comments
aww, sleep earlier then! i sleep around 10-11 & wake up around 5. it's soo draggingg & my school has block schedule so it's even more tedious. :[[[
yeahh, i met a couple new people.. none of which i really clicked, though. i met some guys outside my school like, thirty minutes away ;o sexy sexyy.
Yeah, I am in college, such fun. What time do you sleep anyways? I tend to sleep around 11-12ish and wake up around 5 to take my bro to badminton practice then I can't fall asleep so I stay up until around 8 then head to school to get a decent parking spot and do a bit of studying until class at 9/9:30. That's my usual weekday morning =(
Have you met anyone cool and interesting in school these past few days? hehe ^_^ new friends rock!
mann, you're in college, right? IS THAT NOT WHY? maybe i should start sleeping early.. a lot more early. =\
It's only the second week and you don't like it =( The days are going by too fast its already my 5th week which means first exams the whole week, madness I tell you =( Btw, thanks for the comment but your the cutie here ^_^
this is the start of my second week of school, lol. SHEET, it seemed soo much longer. :[
haha, aww seth! you're so cute. it's just chris brown. ;P
You start next week? Lucky, that's also when my friends head back to school. It has been my 2nd week of school so far and I am tired of school already lol jk You don't need him Nga, he needs you more than you need him.
ahaha. nahh, i start school next week. >< AND I'M DIVORCEDDDDDDD. D;
I do rock...my friend told me so XD So are you separated or divorced? Don't worry Nga, you'll meet a better guy. Have you started school yet? Seems like everyone pretty much have so far.
and you don't rock.
and i got married to chris brown like, last year, two years ago.. but we're done. ;[
Your pics are either really weird or kinda cute guess what? i rock XD